
Making Referrals to the EAP – Part 1 of 2

Making Referrals to the EAP – Part 1 of 2

Dealing with performance problems may be one of the most common and challenging aspects of a supervisor or manager’s job.  Your employee assistance program can partner with you to help employees cope with some of the more trying twists and turns of life that can impact work performance.



According to the CDC, suicide is one of the leading cause of death in the United States.  It claims more lives than automobile accidents or opioids and yet in some cases the numbers of suicides are under-reported as families want to hide the reasoning behind the death of a loved one. This secrecy exposes the stigma. The silence perpetuates the problem.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

This week, Monday, January 22nd, through Sunday, January 28th, is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week.  While the media is full of gloomy and disturbing reports about the use of heroin and opioids having reached epidemic proportions, there is some good news.

Signs of an Addictive Disorder

Most people associate addiction with alcohol, drugs or smoking, but millions of individuals suffer from numerous other types of addictions. Known collectively as addictive disorders, in addition to abuse of substances such as alcohol, drugs and smoking, individuals can also become addicted to compulsive types of behavior such as: gambling, shopping, eating, sexual activity, pornography or use of the internet.