Wellness Initiatives
Did you know?
- 2/3 of all office visits to family physicians are due to stress related symptoms.
- Workplace stress causes approximately one million U.S. employees to miss work each day.
- 43% adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.
- Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death – heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.
- Regular exercise can help people reduce stress, depression, and anxiety and enable them to better cope with adversity.
According to the American Psychological Association, 80% of Americans say that during the past few years they have become more aware of how their mental health and emotions can affect their physical health. But our experience indicates that moving a workforce from simply awareness, through stages of readiness to change, to actually seeing employees make lifestyle changes to weight management, exercise, stress management takes incredible organizational focus.
Successful company wellness initiatives involve:
- work cultures that emphasize total health and work-life balance,
- making health toolsavailable like risk appraisals and information,
- the implementation of creative incentive programs,
- wellness champions, and
- delivering constant and consistent messages to reinforce the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices.
New Avenues is Your Partner in delivering a variety of program to promote employee wellness. You will find a “one stop shop” for information tools, risk assessments, articles, integrated EAP programs, and training opportunities.
New Avenues will provide or will work with your Wellness Partners to promote a culture of healthy employees. New Avenues can support corporate wellness programs with cost effective, affordable solutions.
- Biometric on-site health screenings - Blood tests, blood pressure, body mass index.
- Health Risk Assessments with employee individualized reports and aggregate corporate reports
- Self Assessments for employees online
Integrate the EAP into corporate wellness programs. The EAP is an invaluable resource to address employees’ stressors and readiness for change. Many people cannot step on the path for fitness, or stay on the path even with the best of intentions without first looking at some factors affecting their mood, attitude, or lifestyle habits. Having some personal one to one counseling often can help a person find constructive ways to cope with stressors, and remove barriers to engaging in healthy lifestyle choices. Counseling can give an employee and opportunity to work with attitudes, self esteem, and/or family issues that may be affecting an employee’s readiness, belief systems, or capacity to make lifestyle changes.
Wellness Coaching:
As part of a comprehensive corporate wellness program, New Avenues can provide a targeted cost effective approach to help those employees who carry the highest risk factors.
- Health coaching is available through New Avenues to support and guide employees on their goals for achieving a healthy lifestyle.
- Stratify the workforce with an initial health risk appraisal program that identifies the most prevalent conditions affecting your workforce health and medical claims.
- Telephonic outreach coaching is targeted for the top 20% of employees with high risk factors.
- Online tools for each employee to track and monitor progress.
Whether the goal is to loose or maintain weight, adhere to a medication regimen, stop smoking, reduce stress, revise one’s dietary choices, get more exercise – a coach is someone who can partner and support a plan.
Onsite Training Programs:,
Lunch and Learns:
Stress Management
Smoking Cessation
Emotional Eating & Stress
What Makes me Happy?
Coping with Life Event or Organizational Changes
Lifestyle Choices that Make a Difference
Online Training and Self Assessments in the New Avenues Work-Life Resource Center
Encourage employees to take charge of their health, understand how their lifestyle affects their risks for disease, and find out what they can do to stay healthy. The online worklife program is very robust with a number of risk assessments, fitness self assessments and profiles.
Tools for Employees to manage their health.
These are just a few of the topics covered in self-assessments, articles, online seminars and resource links found in New Avenues robust Work-Life Center.
- Evaluate Risk for Different Conditions and Learn How to Reduce Risk: Breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, bladder, cognitive decline, colon cancer, osteoporosis, melanoma, and many others.
- Discover How Lifestyle Affects One’s Health: self assessments for career burnout, eating behavior, fitness assessments, stress style, work addiction and more.
- Learn about any symptoms or health conditions such as depression, emotional health, menopause, insomnia, etc.
- Read articles
- Connection to Medline Plus Medline Plus is provided by the U.S. National Libraries of Medicine and is available in English and Spanish versions. It includes information, links and resources on:
- 700 Health Topics
- Over 165 Interactive Tutorials
- Drug Info
- Medical Encyclopedia
- Medical News
- Directories to find physicians, dentists and hospitals
- Clinical Trials
- Senior Health
- Surgery Videos
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